232 Medical provides a full contraceptive service.
Appointments can be made for routine doctors’ surgeries. The combined contraceptive pill is still the most popular choice. Advice on the full range of other options is available.
Emergency contraception, formerly called “the morning after pill”, can also be prescribed.
Dr. Byrne has specialist training in the fitting the Mirena Coil – specific appointments for this procedure must be made.
Learn more about the Mirena and Implanon Coil Fitting.
To make an appointment or discuss any of our services, please phone: 01 547 5693
Choosing the right contraception for you.
Short-acting contraceptives – these are methods you have to think about regularly or each time you have sex. You must use them according to the instructions.
Longer-acting contraceptives – these do not depend on you remembering to take or use them.
At 232 Medical, we can advise on a number of contraception methods (with the exception of Female Sterilisation which requires a general anaesthetic and, therefore a hospital stay.)
It is worth taking the time to find out more about each contraception method so that you can choose the method that suits you best.
When you visit 232 Medical, we can give you the most recent research and advise on any or all methods that you think might suit your needs.