Cervical Screening
Smear tests, for the detection of changes that indicate a woman may be at risk of cancer of the cervix (neck of womb), are available at 232 Medical.
232 Medical is registered with the National Cervical Screening Programme CervicalCheck. This National Cervical Screening Programme provides free smear tests to eligible women between the ages of 25 – 60 yrs (women aged 25-44 yrs will be screened at three yearly intervals, and women aged 45-60 will be recalled every five years for smear tests).
You can have your first smear taken with this programme regardless of when you had your last smear taken. Participation in this programme, CervicalCheck, does not prevent you from having a smear test more frequently if you desire, but there will be a charge.
Your PPS number will be required when making your appointment. You must receive a letter of invitation from CervicalCheck before making a cervical smear appointment. This can be done by logging on to www.cervicalcheck.ie or by ringing 1800 454 555
Recent Updates regarding Cervical Screening
We are happy to talk to you if you are concerned regarding your smear test or smear test results. We will provide repeat Cervical Screening Programme smear tests for anyone who is worried and would like to have their recent test repeated. Alternatively we also offer a private smear test service using independent laboratories in Ireland.
Please see the advice on the Cervical Screening Programme Website for further information regarding repeat smear tests.
To make an appointment or discuss any of our services, please phone: 01 547 5693